Saturday, July 14, 2007

Spam Musubi

You either love Spam Musubi or you hate it. I for one enjoy the taste of one of Hawaii's favorite foods. Although I must admit I don't particularly like the smell of nori. I have been told you can make musubi with just about anything teriyaki chicken or beef, Portuguese and Vienna sausage and even hotdogs. I did a bit of googling and found out about the history of Spam and a Spam musubi Recipe at Whats Cooking America. So I went out and bought me a Musubi Maker and the rest of the ingredients needed to whup up my own Spam Musubi. It was easy to make and came out ONO! (Delicious)


not a real blog said...

Sounds .... no-so-ono to me.

Anonymous said...

you becoming local kine! although most hawaiians use the empty can as the musubi mold ~ pass the wasabi, your musubi looks onolicious.